Our Ministries


Girls Emerging Into Mature Sisters

G.E.M.S is an exciting and exceptional Christ Centered Ministry that helps girls transition from girl-hood to women-hood to sister-hood. The G.E.M.S curriculum was developed with the concept of 5 GEM Stones. Each age group is represented by a GEM Stone that has a special physical and spiritual application. The following G.E.M.S Stones are based on the 4 C’s: Carat, Cut, Color and Clarity.


Young Women of God

PowHerr is for young adult women (ages 20-40) from different socio-economic statuses racial and educational backgrounds, personal interests, and careers.


Women of Rare Distinction

The W.O.R.D is for adult women; ages 40+ whose desire is to form a strong community of women to empower and encourage each other on their spiritual journey.


End it Now

Young Women of God

The Seventh-day Adventist Church supports the enditnow® global initiative to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence around the world.

To find out more or to join any of our ministries, please contact aldawson@northeastern.org

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