Girls Emerging Into Mature Sisters

o   G.E.M.S is an exciting and exceptional Christ Centered Ministry that helps girls transition from girl-hood to women-hood to sister-hood.

o   The G.E.M.S curriculum was developed with the concept of 5 GEM Stones.

o   Each age group is represented by a GEM Stone that has a special physical and spiritual application.   

o   The following G.E.M.S Stones are based on the 4 C’s: Carat, Cut, Color and Clarity.

Each GEM, by the grace of the Master Jeweler JESUS CHRIST, is to become a young woman of God who is reaching her full potential.

Our Vision

To empower, encourage, and inspire each girl and young lady to become an essential member of society. 

Who We Serve

Pearls –  Ages 10 to 12   A pearl is very precious which is formed within the shell of a pearl oyster. It is a highly prized GEM.

Emeralds – Ages 13 to 15.  Another special GEM. Primarily green in color. Emeralds are known for their beauty and toughness.

Rubies  – Ages 16 to 17.  Rubies – Red colored gemstone. Ruby is considered one of four precious stones together with Sapphire, emerald and Diamonds.

Sapphire – Ages 17 to 18.  This Gems Stone is particularly blue in color. The 3rd hardest mineral after diamonds. Sapphire was one of the 12 precious stones set into the breast plate of the High Priest of Israel.

Diamonds – Ages 19 to 21. This GEM is the most precious and most expensive of all the GEMS.

Our Mission

The Gems Curriculum is based on 6 Modules

1.  Spiritual Development

2.  Social Skills

3.  Emotional Development

4.  Self Discovery

5.  Coaching and Life Skills

6.  Mentoring

**Please contact GEMS Coordinator Linda Marrow lindamarrow01@gmail.com or your Women’s Ministries District Leader if you are interested in starting a GEMS Chapter in your church.

This month’s Spotlight:

Community Worship Center’s

Gem’s Chapter

An Evening with the Women’s Ministries Director - Dr. Blake